
We appreciate your financial help to continue making an impact on people's lives throughout the world! Please consider becoming a partner with us.

Bob George Ministries Donations

Bob George Ministries mission is to share God's unconditional love, complete forgiveness and acceptance in Jesus Christ with people from all around the world through books, electronic media and radio.

Bob George Ministries is a nonprofit tax-deductible 501(c)(3) corporation.
Four ways to donate:

1. Check - (Via USPS Mail - Address Below)

2. Click here for → PayPal (See Form Below)

3. Click here for → Credit Card (One Time or With Scheduled Donations)

4. Click here for → Bank Account Transfers (ACH - Checking or Savings)

If mailing a check, please make your tax deductible donations,
payable to Bob George Ministries and mail it to:

Bob George Ministries
5729 Lebanon RD   STE 144247
Frisco, Texas 75034

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Order your: Closer Look Bible Study Series by Bob George


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